The Scientist Webinar: DNA Methylation: Timekeeper of Biological Age

Cellular senescence, telomere shortening, and changes in gene expression have been well documented to contribute to the aging process. Recently, researchers have found that epigenetic changes, such as the presence of methyl groups in close proximity to CpG dinucleotides located near a gene’s promoter, correlate with age. Technological advances, including microarray analysis and next?generation sequencing, have clarified the relationship between DNA methylation and aging, to the point that such phenomena may even be used to predict one’s chronological age. For a detailed look at the biology of human aging and the dynamics of DNA methylation, The Scientist is bringing together a panel of experts to share their research, to discuss how the epigenome influences aging, and to highlight the approaches scientists are taking to study the possibility of targeting epigenetic modifications for therapeutic intervention. Attendees will learn how the epigenome controls aging from renowned experts in our interactive setting. Topics to be covered: The role of persistent and ephemeral epigenetic marks in setting and resetting cellular age Targeting the disease of aging with pharmaceuticals
Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 2:30pm
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